AROW Global > Careers

Photo of AROW worker assembling window

Driven By People

At AROW we believe that you can have a great career full of growth and personal development. Our commitment extends beyond professional success, as we strive to foster an inclusive and collaborative work environment where your unique talents and perspectives are not only valued but also celebrated. 

Find opportunities in Winnipeg & Wisconsin

AROW & You

At AROW we pride ourselves on investing in the development of our employees through “Truly Human Leadership” creating an empowering, and safe work environment.

I would recommend someone to work at AROW for the simple fact that if they want to come to a place where they can enjoy themselves every day, be proud of what they do and just work in an environment where people encourage each other, and everyone is always looking to get motivated, that’s what they’ll have here at AROW.

The working culture here at AROW is very family orientated. If we happen to have any problems, personal problems, they are really good at helping you so that you can do your every day job at AROW Global.

If someone was thinking for an applying at AROW Global would say absolutely go for it. There is plenty of room for growth and all the people I work with are friendly and amazing and it’s a very fun work environment.

Success Stories

Ryan Thorpe

Engineering Manager

Logan Schweitzer

Production Lead, Assembly

Chad Flanders

Second Shift Supervisor

Dillon Jacob

Training and Production Lead, Fabrication

Level  Up!

The Level Up program is designed for full-time assembly, fabrication and inventory control team members in our Wisconsin location. The program consists of four levels, where each level has a variety of skills and roles assigned to it. Team members have the opportunity to progress through various levels by participating in training and professional development programs. As you continue to advance through the levels your hourly pay will also increase.

AROWGlobal employee cleaning window